Over 95 per cent of the pork produced in Finland comes from farms belonging to the Swine Health and welfare classification register Sikava. The system has international ISO certification. The certificate indicates that proactive and planned work is being carried out in swine farms to promote animal health and welfare and food safety.

The ISO 9001 certificate has been issued to the Animal Health ETT on the basis of an assessment carried out by Kiwa Inspecta.
Taneli Tirkkonen, chair of Sikava Executive team: ”The objectives of the certified Sikava system also include the promotion of the welfare of pigs. The industry has done significant development work for animal well-being ”.
A National Quality System
The Quality Assurance program is based on the Sikava health care system by ETT ra. Sikava has been given the status of a National quality system on July 12, 2013 by the Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira (now Finnish Food Authority) which means that Sikava complies with the criteria in EU directive 1305/2013. Meat production can reach that status when animal well-being, animal health, or national health criteria are much higher than legislation requires. The Quality Assurance reaches higher criteria than the required for animal health and meat product security.